Accidentally Compromising the Duke Page 15
She hated the reserve she could see re-forming, the very notion had anger snapping through her blood. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and she shivered. It would rain tonight, and probably for a large part of tomorrow, forcing them to spend the day indoors. She let one leg slip over the edge of the mattress, and then paused. Perhaps he would reject her if she tried to seduce him. Anxiety seared her, but she pushed from the bed, and hurried from her chamber. She didn’t stop until she reached his bedroom. Swallowing down the nerves, she knocked firmly.
There was no answer. Disappointment pricked her. Was he already asleep? She spun to return to her room and hesitated. What if he had not heard her over the rain and thunder? She tested the knob. It was surprisingly unlocked. She walked into his chamber and Adel regretted the impulse that had driven her to seek him out. She froze ensnared at one of the most primal, and lascivious sight she had ever seen.
The duke stood by the windows in his chamber…stark naked. He was…splendidly beautiful. His masculinity was overwhelmingly erotic in nature. Unable to help herself she hungrily drank in his posture, the graceful but powerful line of his body. Muscles corded his shoulders, back and thighs. Even the turn of his calves appeared chiseled. She could only see his side profile, and his head was tilted, the strong column of his throat working, yet no sound emerged. One hand was braced against the glass and she could see the tension in his frame.
His other hand was… She glanced down and had to swallow her gasp. Her cheeks flamed and the throb of heat between her legs was startling. He had his…his…member in his hand, stroking, alternately gentle then hard. She squeezed her thighs together hoping to soothe the throbbing ache in the flesh between the juncture of her thighs. She was at a loss how from simply looking at him, such wanton urges could stir in her blood.
She couldn’t stay to watch such an intimate private moment. Worse, she had the feeling he was thinking of his wife. A sob hissed from her in denial, but he did not hear. Thank Heavens. She decided to depart and made the error of glancing at his face. Adel faltered. His face was drawn into hard lines of loneliness and yearning—stark and agonizing. A low, tortured groan slipped from him and the grimace on his face indicated he was washed in intense feelings, and she belatedly realized it must be pleasure, and not pain as she’d initially assumed. A whimper of need clawed from the back of her throat and threatened to spill in the room, when he fisted the length jutting from him, and slid his hands up, then down the thick stalk, and her name slipped from his lips like a benediction.
“Adeline,” he groaned, the sound reverberating deep in his chest.
It was her! He thought of her!
She pressed her hands low on her stomach, desperate to still the flutter of desire erupting through her body. Her nipples beaded beneath her nightgown, and she ached between her legs in a way she struggled to understand. Drawn to him, it was as if her feet had a mind of their own as they moved closer. Her lips parted on a gasp when he rumbled her name once more and even stroked himself with more…vigor.
A soft sound of need filtered on the air, and caressed right around his cock. Without moving Edmond knew Adeline was in his chamber. He did not question the how, or why. Hell, he knew why. The hunger she felt was the same reason he had his length fisted in his palm, urging himself to release—something he had not done in years. As he stroked himself he imagined her…tasting her, sinking inside of her. Turning from her earlier was the hardest thing he had ever done, restraining himself when his body had cried out to take her and slake the tormenting lust.
It had finally occurred to Edmond; he had been a blasted fool, denying them what they wanted most, when he could bed his duchess without releasing inside of her. Though allowing such intimacy was a slippery slope that could well lead to the very thing he dreaded. He would have to be vigilant never to slide so far he lost his common sense. He’d acknowledged it would be impossible to stay away from her any longer. They were married, a state that could not be dissolved, and it had finally pierced him that this hunger would never go away, whether it be for weeks, months, or years.
He turned and his knees nearly buckled. Though she was clothed in a nightgown that covered her from head to toe, it was all the more provocative for he knew the sensual beauty it hid. The cravings he had suppressed for so long surged to life, burning away all resistance. She was raw, earthy, beautiful…unforgettable.
Her eyes widened and then lowered to his cock still fisted in his hands. Edmond would consummate their vows, though it had gone far beyond duty. It was a living need inside of him to brand her with his touch. He’d almost visited her chamber, but had restrained himself. The fever of lust that dominated him would make it impossible to be gentle with her.
She stepped farther into the chamber, then she made to remove her gown.
“Leave it on.” His order was harsh and she hesitated, hurt flaring in her eyes.
“I do not want to hurt you,” he all but snarled, hating the idea that she thought he was rejecting her again.
Her lips parted in soft subtle invitation. “I know there is to be some pain.”
Did she have to sound so sensually intriguing? “I cannot be gentle, Adeline, and by God you deserve to be worshipped, to be pampered and savored, not be taken without restraint.”
Thick, fierce tension swirled around them, and Adel’s heart was a furious flutter in her breastbone. “You have teased me in the most ungentlemanly manner for weeks. I assure you, I do not desire restraint but how you are now…passionate and without reserve.”
His jaw visibly flexed. “Come here,” he said, the gray in his eyes darkening dangerously.
The promise of carnal delights gleamed in the depth of his eyes, and it tugged her to him. They stood close, and his rough, deep breathing echoed in her ears. She glanced up, the lines of his beautiful face were taut with hunger. Without speaking he gripped the fold of her nightgown and drew it to her hips. Then he palmed her buttocks and lifted her high. She gasped, instinctively wrapping both legs around his hips, and his strong arms supported her with an ease that was thrilling. Adel had expected him to tumble her into the bed, instead he sank them onto the sofa so that she straddled him. She pressed her knees into the soft cushions bracketing his hips, and she twined her hands around his neck.
He kissed her jaw and throat, and she instinctively arched allowing him access.
“I cannot be patient.”
The sound of his voice was a whisper of velvet across her skin. “I do not desire control, Edmond.” Please no control. She’d had enough.
His lips brushed her forehead with acute tenderness, and she sighed.
He gripped her hips and she felt the tempered restraint in his touch. A simple caress, but it seduced and empowered her…for she also felt the trembling in his arms, the pounding of his heart against her chest. He craved her with a similar intensity.
He shifted one of his hands and trailed his fingers to her core, to that bundle of nerves at the apex, which brought her such pleasure. His touch was firm yet light as he stroked it, and then pressed, sometimes pinching. A moan broke low in her throat from the exquisite sensations. He lifted her slightly, and a hard pressure was notched at her entrance.
The feel of him was both shocking and wonderful.
Yet he did not press his advantage, only slowly continued to work her knot of pleasure with his fingers. Tension peaked in her belly, and she dropped her forehead on his shoulder, shivering.
“Edmond,” she gasped, when he pressed hard, and liquid heat rushed from her to bathe his fingers and length, which was poised at her entrance.
“I need you wet…so damn wet you’ll soak me.”
She bit into his shoulder, and he chuckled, low and deep, the sound rich, heated.
Then the hand gripping her hip tightened. He thrust hard and heavy inside her, and a soft cry exploded from her as he sank past her resistance, burying his length to the hilt. Her muscles strained and quivered around him,
fighting to accept the broad length suddenly filling it, her breath puffing in harsh bursts. The pleasure-pain was a fiery cascade of sensations twisting through her, and she couldn’t prevent a whimper of feminine distress.
“Shhh,” he soothed with kisses along her cheeks, and down to her neck. “The sting will soon pass.”
She wanted to point out that the throbbing pain was more than a sting, but then he bit into the cord of her neck, then licked the spot he’d just tenderly assaulted, while stroking the pad of this thumb in a deliciously hard caress over her nub.
She almost jackknifed from him so intense were the sensations.
He nuzzled her neck. “Are you well?” his voice was gravelly with arousal.
“Yes…the sting is already passing.”
His eyes blazed with a fierce tenderness. “Good.”
Then he rocked her on him. He worked her on him, up and down slowly, stretching her to take his length comfortably.
“Grip my shoulders.”
With the softest of moans she responded to his urgings. His expression was a tight grimace of pleasure as he repeated his sensual motions. She cried out at the overwhelming sensations—it was bliss and agony in equal measure.
“I need more, Edmond,” she gasped, trying to increase the wet glide of his length.
He wrapped his arms around her fully, caging her in his embrace and took her lips. His flavor exploded on her tongue—coffee, brandy, and…the man himself. His kiss soothed and allowed her to focus on his taste, his scent, and not the throbbing ache deep in her center, or the vulnerability she felt being so completely cocooned by his strength. He curled his tongue around hers, stroking, licking, and sucking, consuming all her sighs and moans.
His hands burrowed beneath her nightgown, and slid up and down her back in a heated sensual stroke then around to her front. His palms cupped her breasts, his fingers tweaking at her nipples, plumping them. Adel’s moans poured forth and she was unable to stop the encouragement for more from spilling from her lips.
He released her nipples, and trailed his hands down to grip her buttocks. Their mouths still melded together in a passionate dance, he glided her up and then slammed her down hard. She moaned into his slow sensual kiss, which was an erotic contrast to the manner in which he rocked her with depth onto his length.
One of his hands slid around to her front, outlining the shape of her hips and stomach, and then Edmond gripped a fistful of nightgown from inside and ripped. Cool air washed over her chest as the silk parted under his strength. He bent her forward, thrusting her breast into his mouth, the move almost lifting her completely from his length. His teeth raked the sensitive tip of her nipple.
Every tug and lick of her nipple resonated in the ache deep in her core.
A wail of agonized need slipped from her as he impaled her once more. Her hips jerked, a cry tearing from her lips as he seated her over and over on his throbbing thickness with more piercing depth and strength.
“Ride me, duchess.” His growl was low and rich.
A broken cry of need escaped her as she responded with wantonness. It was almost too much, the need clawing at her, the broad length stretching her, at times lashing her with a hint of pain to swirl with the intense ecstasy pummeling her.
No other sound followed the guttural groan of her name, but his grip tightened and instinctively she realized the same exquisite tension peaking inside her, rose in him as well.
Sweat slicked their skins as they slid together in the raw, beautiful and primal rhythm. Waves of blinding sensations stormed her senses and she exploded with such intensity that she couldn’t breathe, and seconds later he clasped her to him and lifted her, a hot splash landing on her stomach as he groaned his pleasure.
They remained held like that for a few minutes. Then he raised his head, and the hunger she saw, strangled her breath. Edmond stood with her, and in a few strides tumbled with her to the bed, fusing their lips together, nudged her thighs apart, and with acute gentleness, slid deep inside her.
“Travel with me to town,” he breathed against her lips.
“To town?”
“Yes, I depart Rosette Park tomorrow.”
He shifted, and she shuddered at the pleasure of him buried so deep.
“It is too soon.”
“I will delay my journey for a couple days. Is this sufficient?”
Adel swallowed. She hardly knew what prompted such an invitation, but he truly wanted her company. A grin split her lips. “Oh, yes, quite sufficient.”
“Good.” Then he lowered his lips to hers once more. And for the rest of the night, Adel knew nothing but bliss.
Chapter Nineteen
Two days later, Adel arrived at one of the most fashionable townhouses she had ever seen in Upper Brook Street, several long tedious hours after departing Hampshire. She was tired, but filled with too much excitement at the thought of retiring. She was never the one to look forward to balls and tea parties, given her dismal receptions these last seasons. But to know it was Edmond she would be making the rounds with filled her with an electrifying thrill.
“You are excited,” he observed with a small smile.
“A bit. I have longed to visit the theatres and Vauxhall. Only Papa and Lady Margaret had been able to afford certain social pleasures, since we were practicing economy, and no gentleman invited me.”
“They were fools…and I am glad they were, for I never would have met you,” Edmond said with sincerity.
She smiled at his compliments though she did not take it to heart. Since he had consummated their vows, he had taken her several times and Adeline would not wish it any other way. But she could still see the reserve in his eyes, and many times, the puzzled look that creased his brows whenever she caught him watching her.
The door to the carriage opened, and he hopped down to assist her out. Large wrought iron gates greeted her, and as they entered, she couldn’t help marvel at the elegance of the townhouse.
As they entered she was introduced to the butler and the housekeeper. Meg had traveled with her, and in quick order Adeline was being directed to her chambers. A large pile of expensive papers tied with a ribbon was handed to her by the housekeeper Mrs. Bromley.
“These are for you, Your Grace.”
She accepted them with a nod, and climbed the stairs, Edmond right behind her. They entered his chamber and a sigh escaped her as they were finally alone. She walked over to the barouche desk in the corner and set the pile of correspondence on it.
“What do you think these are?”
“Invitations to balls, teas, house parties, and begging letters from charities seeking your patronage.”
She glanced at him and heat flushed through her when she saw that he was undressing, his lids lowered with intent.
“Surely you jest, there must be hundreds,” she said, and tried to clear the huskiness from her voice. “I had thought the manner in which we wed would have society shunning me.”
“Come here, duchess.”
She arched a brow, and he smiled.
“Please,” he said with warm sensuality.
She sauntered over to him, and his eyes tracked her movements. He untied her bonnet and tugged the pins from her hair, tumbling the heavy coil to her back. With a sharp tug, he made her stumble into him, then clasped her hips with infinite gentleness. Yet there was nothing gentle in his mien when he spoke, only an icy ruthlessness that made her shivered.
“Society will gossip about you—us—always, but you are the Duchess of Wolverton. You cannot be cut, it is you now who decides who will enter your circle.”
Cannot be cut.
She withdrew from his embrace and moved to the table and selected a few. After breaking the seal of the first three, she lifted her head. “There is an invitation to the Marchioness of Deerwood’s annual ball. That is tonight.”
“Would you like to attend?”
“It is truly strange. My stepmother had always wanted an inv
itation to this much coveted event, and now I am inundated. Perhaps I shall invite them for a visit from Bath, surely Papa and Lady Margaret will be happy to attend.”
“If that is your wish.”
She glanced at him and grinned. “You are naked, Edmond.”
“A state you will soon be in, Duchess.”
“We are attending this ball tonight.”
“Ah…so that gives us three hours. I have been meaning to make use of that sinful mouth of yours.”
“Doing?” she purred, sauntering over to him.
“You shall see, Adeline.” Then he took her lips in a kiss, and for this moment all else was forgotten as Edmond’s touch roused the unquenchable desire inside once more.
Adel donned a dark green gown and the bodice was low enough just to show the flush of her décolletage, and the cinched high waist of the empire gown fell in straight lines to her delicate ankles. Her hair had been curled and arranged in a high pile upon her head, with tendrils cascading down her cheeks. A truly exquisite emerald and diamond necklace circled her throat with the matching earrings at her lobes. Edmond had presented to her several pieces of stunning jewels he’d had England’s most renowned jeweler make for her. Adel had never felt more beautiful and tonight she would be walking out in society for the first time as the Duchess of Wolverton.
She descended the stairs, and a smile burst from her lips at her duke’s regard.
His bold, admiring gaze swept over her. “You are ravishing, Adeline.”
“It is kind of you to say so,” she said huskily.
“It is not a kindness. You are beautiful, and there are times my heart shudders at the knowledge if you had not climbed into my bed, I would not be so content now. I will be the envy of many men tonight, and if any those jaded rakes looks at you for more than a few seconds, I foresee having many duels to fight in the upcoming months,” he teased.