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Wicked in His Arms Page 19

  “I should have known you had no honor,” she said, her heart breaking. Livvie had wanted to avoid devastating her father, but there was no hope for any other outcome now. William would not give up, and he would not recognize her defending her honor. “You have broken my heart…and you will destroy Father’s.”

  Before he could respond, raised voices filtered through the door of the drawing room.

  “I was given strict orders they are not to be disturbed, my lord!”

  William’s eyes widened, there was another shout in the hallway, and confident footsteps echoed before the doorknob twisted. Livvie did not want to risk taking her attention from her stepbrother, not even following the noise of several powerful slams. The door crashed open and her husband walked in, as calm as if he had not just kicked down the door.

  She almost fainted.

  With a sweeping glance, he took in the shambles of the drawing rooms, the cushions on the floor, and the glasses and liquor stain on the carpet. His piercing regard on her brother, a faint smile edged the grimness of Tobias’s mouth. “Countess, I trust there is a reasonable explanation?” he asked calmly, never taking his predatory stare from William.

  Alarm and relief filled her in equal measure at Tobias’s presence.

  William swallowed. “This is outrageous, I…”

  He spluttered when she pressed the foil to his throat.

  “Wife…” Tobias said warningly. “You are in enough trouble as it is, best not to add murder to your repertoire.”

  “I had a nagging problem and instead of troubling you with my histrionics, I decided to handle the matter myself,” she drawled smoothly.

  A shadow passed over her earl’s face. “I see.”

  William grimaced. “My lord, the countess—”

  “Quiet.” Tobias’s voice cracked like a whip. “Olivia?”

  “He has assaulted me twice now. Shortly before I met you, and earlier this morning, when I visited Mother and Father. He…he…cornered me in the library, kissed me, and tried to push his hands beneath my dress!”

  “She wanted it! We are lovers…” William trailed away at the surge of fury that lit Tobias’s eyes before he lowered his lashes.

  Her stepbrother rallied quickly. “I swear on my honor, Lord Blade, Livvie and I have been lovers—”

  She gasped, jerking back and lowering the blade. “He lies!”

  Painful silence enveloped the room.

  “Tobias?” The word seemed to get caught somewhere in her throat.

  “Sheath your sword, wife. We will bid your father good-bye and depart.”

  She tried to pull her disjointed thoughts into some semblance of order. What was he thinking? Surely he did not believe this bounder?

  Her stomach went hollow.

  William tugged at his cravat and ran a hand through his hair. “I am sure we can sort this unpleasantness, Blade, as men. Livvie has been hounding me, before I even wed Louisa. Today, when I told her I was no longer interested in an affair, for my wife is increasing, she threw a tantrum. I, too, share a similar distaste for female vapors and machinations and told her so.” He frowned convincingly and waved a hand. “I did not expect this.”

  She gaped.

  Tobias’s lips twitched, barely, and it chilled her. He walked farther into the room, not once glancing her way. Was it possible he believed her stepbrother and was too disgusted to look at her? A surge of fury sliced through her veins.

  “You have grievously injured my countess and you will be made to understand the severity of your mistake,” her husband said with terrible softness. “I have not excused your behavior.”


  William narrowed his eyes. “My lord, I—”

  Tobias smiled with icy civility. “You will name your seconds.”

  The room swam around her. He was going to fight a duel for her? “Tobias—”

  “You will be quiet, wife.”

  William had blanched and even jerked back a few paces. “Blade, you cannot be serious. You would not do something as illegal as force a duel on me over…over…a woman?”

  Not even Livvie could countenance such an assertion. The idea of Tobias facing such danger filled her with dread.

  “My countess isn’t just a woman.”

  Despite her revulsion at the situation, her heart quickened in pleasure. He was truly willing to fight for her. Did this mean he was growing attached to her in a similar regard?

  “Good God, man, I shall not meet you. I do not care if I am dubbed a…a…coward, you are reputed to be a crack shot and are undefeated with a foil,” William ended faintly, tugging at his cravat.

  There was something about the stillness of Tobias’s manner that made Livvie wary. Tension fairly vibrated from him like an aura, and it was as a fleeting smile touched his lips that she saw beneath his deceptive mien. He was beyond fury. His control shook her…what would it be like if he were to ever lose the rigid control he held on to so ruthlessly.

  “I will not kill you. I have no intention to flee to the continent or be judged by my peers for taking your life.” He stepped closer, and William scrambled back until he was flush against the wall. “You touched my wife without her consent.”

  “I swear she was willing,” her stepbrother babbled.

  “And you insult her by insinuating she is without honor. Death would be a relief for you, as you would escape the consequences of your actions. I will ruin you. Your investors will no longer do business with you, your clubs will blackball you, you and your wife will no longer be accepted into any respectable drawing room.”

  It was impossible for William to even whiten further…but he did.

  Livvie scrambled to stand beside her husband and touch his arms. “Tobias, I—”

  She faltered as his face went white. He reached out his hand almost hesitantly and touched her cheek. She flinched.

  “He hurt you,” he said through bloodless lips. His eyes darkened, and she felt the latent violence surged through his body.

  Her heart trembled, and she was filled with acute discomfort. “Let us depart this place. We will call on my father tomorrow—”

  “Your lips bleed.”

  Livvie swallowed.

  “Your riding habit and chemise is torn. There are bruises on your neck, your cheek,” he said softly, as if he were simply reciting some inconsequential list.

  He turned from her to her stepbrother.

  William’s lips sneered. “I already told you, I will not meet you at dawn. I did nothing she did not want, I—” His head snapped back with force as her husband backhanded him.

  The violence was delivered with such calm brutality, Livvie jerked away from Tobias.

  William crumpled, sliding against the wall to the floor. Tobias hauled him to his feet and delivered a powerful blow to his midsection. Her stepbrother gagged.

  She recoiled. “Tobias, stop! Please.”

  But her husband showed no mercy. With each blow he delivered to William, she retreated more. She wanted her stepbrother to be punished, but this…this was too much. His face was a bloodied mess, and he lay limply on the ground, no sound issuing forth.

  Her husband faced her and a visible jolt went through her. She watched him with a deep wariness, not liking the anger turning his eyes to jade. The silence seethed between them. What could she say? Minutes passed and his piercing unemotional regard was nerve-wracking. “Tobias, I…I think what just happened must be discussed.”

  “Do you?” His murmur was low and deadly, and she hated that he used that tone with her. “What manner of excuse do you have to explain your behavior?”

  “Surely you must see I had to do what—”

  “You naive, reckless…” The words exploded from him, shocking her with their ferocity.

  Oh God, he is furious.

  Her heart started a slow thud.

  “If he had overpowered you…you cannot imagine what he may have done to you, countess. Once again, you were reckless and acted without thought or logic o
ver your emotions. It would be an injustice if I do not tan your backside so that you will not be able to sit for days,” he snarled. “He would have brutally beaten and raped you. Was it so hard to inform me of what was happening? Did you believe I would not have defended your honor? Do you have such little faith in me, wife?”

  Her eyes widened. She had never seen him so…so…intimidating. “If you had made it possible to confide in you, I would not have been placed in such an untenable situation.”

  He jerked as if she had slapped him.

  “I wanted to spare you from scandal…and in truth, I was not sure if you would give the matter any thought. I know how much you deplore emotional tantrums and tears, and I was afraid to tell my husband of my worries because I feared you would not approve of me!”

  He stepped toward her, and Livvie turned and fled. She ran through the hallway, and out the door as if the devil were on her heels. She continued through the forecourt and on to the uneven country road until she slowed to a walk. She panted breathlessly, her throat tightening with tears. She knew what would happen now.

  Scandal. Horrible scandal. The cook would tell her niece, who worked as an upstairs maid at another great house, and that niece will inform a cousin, and then it would spread to the drawing rooms and parlors of those most influential in the ton.

  Her stomach cramped.

  Worse, Tobias was indeed shocked at her behavior. A sob burst from her throat.

  The pounding hooves of a horse sounded behind her. She stopped walking and waited for him to approach. He jumped off the horse before it fully halted, grabbed her around the waist, and seated her none too gentle in the saddle astride. He mounted behind her and urged the stallion into a powerful run.

  They rode hard, and she felt every jolt on her backside. She would be sore later, but instead of protesting, she held on to the pommel, seething. They swept through the high walls leading to his lands, and he turned the horse toward a grotto, where he jerked to a halt. He pushed from the horse and handed her the reins.

  She stared down at him dazedly and was shocked at the depth of rage and contempt she spied in his eyes. Pain tore through her heart. His knuckles were bruised and bloody. She ran a finger softly over the cuts. “Please, Tobias, we must discuss this.”

  “Return to the main house,” he said with chilling calm. “I want you out of my sight.”

  She flinched. Then she scrambled from the horse, almost falling to the ground in her haste. She slapped the rump of the horse, and he cantered away before slowing to a walk.

  “Why would you say this to me? How have I caused such an offense you would wish me from your very sight?”

  “If you had been honest instead of manipulative, I would not have almost killed a man.” He gazed at his hands in a daze, on the blood on his knuckles. “I gave you every opportunity to confide in me and instead you once again acted with reckless disregard for anyone but yourself.”

  “How dare you, Tobias. You did nothing to make me believe I could trust you with my emotions. I had to act for myself, as I did not believe my own husband would protect me at the cost of appearing emotional.” Her voice shook. “Do you think I am not aware of the manner of man I have had the misfortune to fall in love with?”

  His lips curved in a sneer, and her anger flared even hotter.

  “Yes, Tobias, love! The emotion you seem to despise in equal measure along with anger and damnable tears. I am a woman! I am human, I cannot remain unfeeling and repress all the emotions I have because you have demanded it to be so. You are an arrogant and unfeeling lout!”

  “This is what you think of me?”

  “Can there be any other thought to be had?” she asked hoarsely. “From the moment we became intimate you’ve informed me I am not to cry, not to be angry, and heaven forbid I actually swoon. You want me to be cold and unfeeling. Do you deny it?”

  He made no answer.

  “Do you love me?”

  His face shuttered. “You know my thoughts on the matter.”

  “Do I?”

  “Yes,” he ground out.

  “We have known each other for several weeks. We have been as man and wife. Every opportunity you’ve had, you sought my presence, kissed me, introduced me to pleasure, came after me when you thought I was disturbed. You lost the rein on your famed temper because I had been threatened and hurt. Can you reflect on these things and say you have no attachment or tendre for me, Tobias?” she demanded, her voice breaking, and her heart trembling for she feared his answer.

  The silence stretched, and then he spoke. “I only know that you are dangerous, and I regret staying in that closet with you.”

  She stumbled back with a soft cry. Then she ran from him. Her name floated on the wind, but she did not hesitate, only stumbled deeper into the thicket. Mere seconds later, a hand grabbed her waist and spun her around, and acting from a place of deep hurt, she lashed out. He caught her hand in a gentle grip so at odds with the raw emotions darkening his eyes to emerald.

  “I cannot bear the thought of you in tears. It rips me in two and makes me want to slay whoever hurt you…even when it’s myself. How do I know you are not manipulating me with them? How the hell do I know anything?”

  “I have no cause to manipulate my husband.”

  “I wanted to kill him,” he muttered fiercely. “I wanted to break all of his bones for touching you. I am the very man my father was.”

  “Tobias, no, you—”

  He dipped his head and slashed his mouth over hers in a fierce and unexpected kiss.

  Chapter Nineteen

  When had he gotten so obsessed with his wife’s scent and taste? When had she snuck under his guard and owned his fucking soul? She whimpered into his kiss and wrenched away, trembling fingers going to her bruised lips, her eyes wide pools of desire and hurt. He vowed then that he would break William for what he had done. Hell, he would just kill him and be done with it.

  Control. He had to fight for control. He was a rational man, and he was not ruled by emotions. Tobias jerked away from her and she moved with him, fisting his jacket and tugging his lips back to hers.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he growled, kissing the corner of her lips. Her taste was honeyed intoxication and it was painful to admit he would never get enough.

  Olivia stood on her toes and cupped his jaw in her delicate hands. “Then don’t hurt me,” she breathed. “Love me, hold me, and comfort me.”

  Her touch shattered him and a fierce surge of possessiveness shook him. With a deep groan, he kissed her tenderly, barely brushing his lips over hers, but his hands coasted over her body with fierceness. He pushed the skirt of her riding habit to her waist and pressed her against the tree. He gripped her thighs and lifted her, parting her legs so she straddled his waist.

  Hands trembling with need, and blood pounding with furious emotions, he unfastened his breeches and pressed his hardened length against her already wet entrance. It was immediate penetration. He thrust deep and a wail of pleasure sounded from her lips, destroying the remnants of his self-control. He drove inside her harder, deeper, one hand on her hip holding her still, the other under her shoulders, arching her breasts to his devouring mouth. Her head fell back, a hard shudder wracking her body.

  “Tobias,” she gasped.

  He was powerless to stop what was happening to him, and in that moment, he knew he would never be able to live with her. She made him lose all reason, all sense of his self and control. With her, he had no idea who he was and it chilled his soul.

  “I love you,” she cried, convulsing on his cock and bathing him in her scalding wetness.

  He froze, unable to release, for he lingered on those three words.

  “How I love you,” she said, pressing a kiss to his neck.

  She unraveled him and he gave a harsh cry and froze as he spent inside her. Tobias gently pulled from her and straightened her clothes. His hands trembled and he stilled, glaring at them. How was it that he was unable to be detached
with her? From the moment she had entered his life, everything had been different, more turbulent. Nothing was calm.

  They straightened themselves in silence, and he considered her bent head.

  “When you ran from me earlier…were you afraid?” The question had haunted him the minute she fled. Everything had become dark and painful, and he had recalled the fear his mother felt when his father got angry. It had gutted him that he could have driven his wife to feel a similar emotion.


  He searched her eyes for the truth and he was reassured by what he saw. “Good.”

  He turned and whistled, and a few seconds later, the horse broke through the cover. “Ride him home.”

  Her lower lip trembled. “Shall we ride together?”


  “Why not?”

  “I need to be alone.”

  Her eyes widened. “Tobias, I—”

  “No, countess. Since I’ve met you, I have no idea who I am. You tie me in knots and the feelings are not pleasant. For the first time in my life, I truly believe I am just like my father. I felt everything when I realized you were in a room alone with your stepbrother. Unreasonable jealousy, possessiveness, rage. Before you, I’ve only experienced a shadow of such feelings.”

  “I love you,” she said softly.

  Once again, everything inside of him jolted at the words. Then his heart started a furious rhythm. He recalled her utterance that love was patient and kind. The violent emotions she roused in his heart, his obsessive need to brand her with his touch and kisses, felt no semblance of kindness or patience. He forced himself back under control.

  “Do you have any affections for me?” she ask boldly, as was her way, jutting her chin, and damn if she was not staring him down.


  She flinched.

  “What I feel for you is beyond affection. At the crest of each dawn I think of being inside of you. I write and you crowd my thoughts. I sleep and you are the last person I think of, and damn me if when I wake, you are not the first person I fucking look for. I think that borders on obsession wife, not mere affection.”

  “Tobias, I—”